Distributor and General Retail Opportunities
Private label branded, co-branded or WWMS calling cards are available for purchase through prepaid calling card distributors, their merchant channels and independent retailers.
Global Voice services can help you expand and strengthen your networks' infrastructure
CONTINUE_READINGThunder switch (tsw) - advanced sip switch
Advanced sip switch (tsw) advanced management suite (tsu)
- Termination - origination- Sip trunking - ip pbx
- Routing, Reporting, Rateamends, Exchange.
Private Label & Co-Branded Prepaid Calling Cards
A variety of Worldwide Marketing Solutions cards can be private labeled or cobranded to allow your customers to call anywhere, anytime on the card plan that best suits their needs
CONTINUE_READINGThunder suite (tsu) - advanced management suite
- Suscriber management
- Convergent billing & ocs
- Automated invoicing
WWMS Automated Recurring Billing & Other Billing Services
Statement & Invoices, Document Integrity, Postal Optimization, Intelligent Insertion, Electronic Re-Prints, e-Statements, Marketing Insert Management.
Full-featured and Cost-effective WWMS domestic and international 1-800 services are a convenient way for your firms customers to reach you while our flexible routing features enable you to manage your traffic based on your business needs.
CONTINUE_READINGAutomated Recurring Billing
Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) is a convenient and easy-to-use tool for submitting and managing recurring, or subscription-based, transactions.